As a registered non-profit organization, Hakshiva is dependent on the generosity of our community. Your donation allows us to continue our work with children and families.
Donations to Hakshiva are tax deductible in the USA
To make a US dollar donation by check, please send to:
Hakshiva Inc.
C/o Bernath and Rosenberg
126 Spruce Street Cedarhurst NY 11516
Donations to Hakshiva are tax deductible in Israel, according to Seif 46.
To make an ILS donation by check, please send to
Hakshiva Leyaldei Yisrael
Rechov Nahal Sorek 14, Ramat Beit Shemesh
To donate by bank transfer:
Bank Pagi
Branch 179
Account number: 525383
In name of Hakshiva Leyaldei Yisrael