
Mentoring is one of Hakshiva’s

most popular

most popular
and longest running programs.

Our programs are based on the knowledge that a caring and supportive mentor can make normal life struggles more manageable and hopeful. Pre-adolescence and adolescence can be a confusing and lonely time for kids. Biological changes, social shifts, individuation from parents as well as academic demands are all part of the challenges that kids experience. Additional challenges such as Aliya, learning disabilities, illness, family instability and divorce may further compound a child’s difficulties. No child should have to navigate this path alone. A caring and supportive mentor can make common adolescent struggles more manageable. With an adult mentor’s encouragement and guidance, children can learn to believe in themselves and this self-confidence positively impacts their social, familial and school relationships and performance. Individualized attention, genuine interest and positive interactions significantly boost a child’s self-esteem. This, in turn, positively affects the child’s family, academic and social functioning. A positive role model can help a child navigate their world, minimize confusion, and help them problem solve.

Having someone who
understands me is amazing!

I like my mentor because he is an easy going guy He understands people and we spend a lot of time together. I feel he’s available any time I want to talk to him, even about something that I don’t feel comfortable speaking to my parents about. Having someone who understands me is amazing!

Y.S., mentee

Who participates in Hakshiva mentoring programs?

Our programs focus on children between the ages of 9 - 14 who often:

Appear to be struggling socially

Come from a family going through a difficult period

Have low self-esteem

Need a positive religious role-model

Need more attention than they get at home

May need an academic boost

The Hakshiva program is offered   in two tracks:

The Hakshiva program is offered  
in two tracks:

Community Mentoring

This kind of mentoring takes place outside of the classroom and focuses on providing emotional support. Parents contact Hakshiva to set up a meeting with the mentoring program supervisor. In the initial intake meeting, the supervisor gains an understanding of the family and this child’s specific needs. The child’s challenges, interests and personality are clarified and the goals and structure of mentoring are outlined. The supervisor may contact the school to hear an additional perspective on this child. A mentor is chosen and the two begin to build a relationship under professional guidance. A child and their mentor meet twice a week, each meeting lasting one hour. The structure of these meetings depends on the child and their interests. The meetings may be structured around studying, art projects, going for walks, playing games, playing music together, or going out to eat. More often than not, the child just wants to hang out with a mentor and talk.

In-School Mentoring

When children struggle academically, they are at greater risk for slipping in other areas of their life as well. Helping children succeed in school is crucial not only for their educational success but also for their emotional, religious and social wellbeing. With this in mind, Hakshiva sends mentors into schools to help students with their school work and to build their self-confidence A child meets with their mentor two times a week on school premises. Additional meetings are scheduled if needed. In consultation with the school, teachers and guidance counselors Hakshiva creates a personalized mentorship program for each child. By using our knowledge of the child’s specific challenges in conjunction with the relationships that we have developed with administrators and teachers, students and educators are better equipped to facilitate success in their school of choice.

Watching my child improving is amazing!

He’s improving in his schoolwork, he’s improving in his behavior at home, he comes home happy, he goes happy and it’s a wonderful improvement

S,D., parent of a mentee