
Hakshiva’s teen program

serves a broad
spectrum of

The adolescent years can be a confusing and lonely time for all kids. Biological changes, social shifts, individuation from parents as well as academic demands are part of the challenges that kids experience. Some could benefit from a positive role model they can schmooze with, and get guidance or participating in a hands-on learning experience. This sort of help is often just what is needed to make a teens’ experience at school, home or with friends smoother and easier. Very often our academic or social programs pre-emptively resolve problems which would have arisen otherwise. In other cases, additional challenges such as Aliya, learning disabilities, illness and family instability further make a child’s adjustment more difficult and can put him/her at risk. At-risk is defined as having significant deficits in key areas of development. Some of these children are vulnerable to a range of dangerous and antisocial behavior including drug and alcohol abuse, as well as petty crime. These behaviors are not only harmful in the present, they also jeopardize their future. It often begins with common teen challenges – a slew of bad grades at school, arguments at home or a few poor judgment calls. The situation can often quickly spiral downward without proper intervention. Hakshiva proactively offers a wide spectrum of programs to meet teens where they are in their lives.

Preventative Programs

Hakshiva recognizes that a large proportion of teens who, on the surface, seem “normal and regular”, are disconnected and are going through many emotional and intellectual upheavals. In order to prevent these kids from going down a slippery slope to a place they shouldn’t be in, Hakshiva is developing special programs for youth designed to address these issues before they get out of proportion. We already have several programs such as learning and oneg Shabbos’s for boys, onegs for girls, and a host of other programs being planned and implemented (below). All these programs are run by experiences counselors and teachers.

Hakshiva proactively offers a wide spectrum of programs to meet teens   where they are in their lives.

Drop-In Center

No matter their family background, many teens need a place to call their own. Hakshiva’s Teen Drop-In Centers, located in Ramat Bet Shemesh, offers these teens a safe space to relax and socialize. The Centers, which accommodate English and Hebrew speakers as well as boys and girls separately, have recreational rooms with a pool table, Xboxes, a foosball table, comfortable couches and a karaoke-ready music system. There is also a casual outdoor sitting area perfect for relaxing or quiet conversation. Open every weeknight from 7pm until midnight or beyond, the Centers are staffed by madrichim and madrichot. These trained counselors act as positive role models in the lives of these teens and are always available for a conversation, a quick chat, or supportive guidance. Taking genuine interest and care in the lives of those who visit the Centers, the counselors serve as friends and mentors, helping each teen envision a different future and helps him or her plot the course of action to get there. We also implement a measured goal-oriented program to help each kid to advance as much as possible. But we understand that not all teens are ready to charge ahead, and that’s where the laid-back atmosphere of the Centers comes into play. When ready and interested, participants will find supportive madrichim ready to lend them an ear, a shoulder and helpful guidance. As well, the Center’s madrichim are professionally equipped and experienced in serving as liaisons between our teens and local bodies such as school administrators, the Department of Education, Welfare Department representatives, police and other municipal leaders. Finally, we have a dedicated social worker from our therapy clinic who guides the counselors, and speaks with the kids. Hakshiva’s madrichim aren’t just positive role models; they’re invested in our teenagers’ futures.

Located in Ramat Bet Shemesh

Open every weeknight from 7 pm until midnight

Accommodates English and Hebrew speakers

Boys and girls separately

Things improved with my parents - thanks!

Nothing was going my way at all – not with yeshiva, my parents or my friends. I’m so glad I went to the drop-in center. I met some great people and starting coming pretty often. The groups are awesome and so are the madrichim. They have helped me improve things with my parents – so thanks!



Hakshiva recognizes that a large proportion of teens who, on the surface, seem “normal and regular”, are disconnected and are going through many emotional and intellectual upheavals. In order to prevent these kids from going down a slippery slope to a place they shouldn’t be in, Hakshiva is developing special programs for youth designed to address these issues before they get out of proportion. We already have several programs such as learning and oneg Shabbos’s for boys, onegs for girls, and a host of other programs being planned and implemented (below). All these programs are run by experiences counselors and teachers.

After School Learning-Outreach Program

Target Population
Teenagers ages 13-18, enrolled in school but are “At-Risk” in that they feel disconnected from their family, peers, community, shul, culture, religion, and/or social group etc. In general, these boys would not take advantage of available resources for both Normative and “At-Risk” teenagers because they don’t view themselves that way or in that peer group, their parents/schools won't allow them to participate, and/or their schedules don’t allow for it. Some have made aliyah, some are enrolled in a school or attend a shul or live in a community they don’t identify with, some have learning challenges, some feel religious and/or academic pressure. Many had attended after school programming previously in elementary school but have no equivalent high school program.

We provide a social structure and peer group that includes an encouraging environment, role models, building social skills, positive outlets, and ultimately helps to reconnect them with their family/school community etc. Guides and role models also develop relationships with teens and are placed to offer support and referrals to other Hakshiva resources and services.

Once a week after school, learning and an activity/hang-out with avreichim (young married men in Kollel). Each group is limited only to teens from the same school/yeshiva/program. The avreichim are local and trained by Hakshiva on how to work with teens. We familiarize them with common issues that arise and on interventions and/or referrals. The limited group gives the schools, parents and teens the safety of knowing who is attending. The avreichim focus on building a healthy and close relationship with their assigned teen(s) and provide a confidential ear they can open up to. The setting of learning/activity in a beis hamidrash creates a fun and comfortable atmosphere in a setting that feels more normative, and connects the teens to local shuls and kollels etc. and gives them a more positive Torah/religious experience. The learning is not necessarily connected to what they are learning in school/yeshiva, but is geared to expose them to more subjects that they otherwise wouldn’t learn, although many will use what they learn in school/yeshiva as well. Subjects on topics of interest are prepared that promote teens to share their thoughts and opinions while also going through guided study sheets. They are also encouraged to take turns speaking publicly in front of the group. Questions and challenges that are thought provoking and/or require applying learned knowledge are also included.

Benefits and Testimonies
Schools and yeshivas have noted increased and more consistent attendance by students that participate in the program. Their overall attitude and behavior are more positive and happier, and they participate more in school events. Participating students also become a closer and stronger peer group in school/yeshiva. Faculty note: “We overhear the students often speaking about the program positively and in anticipation of the coming weeks activity”. Students also share in class ideas and use skills they have learned through the program. Parents note that their participating children look forward all week to the program. “The fact that they choose to go learn in a beis hamidrash with avreichim during their free time is proof enough of what the program is doing for my son”. They have also noted that their children spend more time with their peers from the program outside of school/yeshiva, and so are generally less concerned about who their children are hanging out with.

Crisis Intervention
& Guidance

When a teenager is in immediate distress, Hakshiva is equipped to respond. Our Crisis Intervention and Guidance resource provides short-term solutions – such as medical attention, police/legal involvement, or shelter assistance – to emergency situations involving Ramat Bet Shemesh youth.

Our experienced staff members may serve as mediators between the teen and various agencies such as the Welfare Department, police, and truancy officers. Whether we receive a call from the teenager in question or their parents, our staff members provide as much aid as possible and do the utmost to prevent the situation from escalating further. Hakshiva aspires to assist every teen in the community who needs help. Our staff have their fingers on the pulse of the neighborhood and are often actually out on the streets of Ramat Bet Shemesh on weeknights and weekends to be available for any teenager who may need urgent intervention.